Matthew fell in love with watercolours at the age of 14 after a friend of his godmother died, leaving him a ream of finest watercolour paper. He discovered the magical combination of watercolours on best quality paper and has been painting ever since. Recording all that surrounds him, from heritage apples to Venetian rooftops, Matthew has documented a lifetime of memories and moments in watercolour. This trait has led him to illustration, for magazines such as Country Life, as well as for his own much-loved books on architecture, another of Matthew’s great fascinations. He has written and illustrated a number of books on unusual and often overlooked buildings, from Stoke-on-Trent to Norfolk, from Oxford to Rome.

At his home in West Oxfordshire, Matthew has created a serene studio space. Once a forgotten barn built of Cotswold stone, it has been restored to a place of creativity looking out over a moat and fields beyond. It is wonderfully messy. Old welsh dressers fit to burst with pottery samples from a 30 year long partnership with ex-wife Emma Bridgewater line the walls and tea towels by Matthew’s late mother, Pat Albeck, hang all around. Piles of reference books, from Tunnicliffe to Inigo Jones totter on plan chests next to stacks of paper and paint pots lined up ready to be used.